Abstract Submission Instructions

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 77th Annual AAFS Scientific Conference, taking place February 17-22, 2025 in Baltimore, Maryland. We are thrilled of your willingness to share your expertise with fellow members of the forensic sciences community.

Please make sure to read the instructions carefully. When you are ready to proceed, please click the button on the bottom of the page.

The following has been prepared to assist you with submitting your abstract proposal for consideration. Please read through carefully as certain questions/requirements may have changed or updated from previous years.


  • Abstract submission deadline (all types, except YFSF Posters): August 1, 2024
  • YFSF Posters submission deadline: October 1, 2024
  • Final selection notification by: October 31, 2024
  • Registration deadline for accepted presenters: December 31, 2024
  • Conference dates: February 17-22, 2025
  • Hotel booking deadline: January 23, 2025

Important: The submission deadline is firm, and no abstracts submissions or updates will be accepted after that time.


Please ensure you are using your correct AAFS account to access the site. If you are having difficulties with logging into your AAFS account portal, or your membership information is incorrect, please reach out to [email protected] before proceeding to submit your abstract.



Abstract submissions are facilitated through our abstract system, Cadmium Scorecard. This system will take you step by step through the required tasks associated with submitting your abstract for consideration. Depending on the type of abstract you are submitting (e.g., oral session, workshop, etc.), the required tasks will vary.

Download the 2025 Call for Proposals Information & Guidelines:

Click here to download our information packet that details information and best practices in submitting your proposal for the 2025 conference.

Accessing the system:

To access the submission system, login to your account on the AAFS website. Once on your dashboard, locate the “Submit an Abstract” button on the right hand side of the page, and click to be taken into the submission system. You will automatically be logged in using the information from your AAFS account.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure you are using your correct account to access the site. If you are having difficulties with logging into your account, or your membership information is incorrect, please reach out to the AAFS team before proceeding to submit your abstract.

Data privacy notice:

The first time you login to the abstract submission system, you will be asked to acknowledge a data privacy statement from the system provider, Cadmium. On subsequent logins, you will be taken directly to your submission dashboard page.

Starting your abstract:

Once logged in, you will be taken to your dashboard, which will list event information, profile information, and the abstracts you have either submitted or of which you are a part. To start a new abstract, click the green link with the plus icon to begin.

You will be asked to provide the title of your abstract and the desired presentation type.

Tip: If you need help selecting a type, you can click the blue link underneath the dropdown box to view descriptions of the various types of presentations.

Once you have selected your presentation type, the system will automatically compile a task list of required information and documentation relevant to your abstract. You will be able to click through each task item to complete the required questions or documentation upload.

Tip: You do not have to do everything at once! If you need to pause and return at a later time to complete a section, you may do so. The system will save your progress.

Key abstract elements:

While certain tasks will change depending on the type of presentation being submitted certain elements will be required among all abstracts:

  • Author/Presenter information:This will include providing a current CV for each author associated with an abstract or presentation. You MUST list all authors and presenters, and provide the required information. Failure to do so may prevent your abstract from being considered for the conference.

    Tip: When adding authors, you may invited them to complete their own profile information and submit their CV by clicking the “Invite” button under their name on the Author List task. This will send them an email allowing them to login to your abstract and complete any required information.

    Note: You will not be able to click “Save Authors” at the bottom of this task until all author profiles have been completed. If you need to move on to a different task, simply click “Tasks” in the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page to be taken back to your abstract task list. Any information provided will be automatically saved.

    Note: You will not be able to click “Save Authors” at the bottom of this task until all author profiles have been completed. If you need to move on to a different task, simply click “Tasks” in the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page to be taken back to your abstract task list. Any information provided will be automatically saved.

  • Key Words: These will be included in the Key Word appendix of the Program, official conference app, and Proceedings.

  •  Conflict of Interest Reporting: It is the policy of the Continuing Education Program of AAFS to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all education activities. All faculty participating in the AAFS Conference are expected to disclose any potential conflict of interest (real or perceived), discussion of unapproved (unlabeled) uses of pharmaceuticals/medical devices, and/or ongoing research (preliminary) data. Failure to do so could result in your abstract being rejected, or any approval subsequently rejected.

Final submission:

Once all required tasks have been completed for your abstract, click the blue “Save Submission” button. You will be taken to a preview page, where you can review everything you have compiled for your abstract. When you are satisfied, click “Submit” to finish submitting your abstract.

IMPORTANT: Your abstract is not considered submitted until you complete this step!

You will receive a confirmation email, and your abstract submission will list as “Complete” on your dashboard page.

Tip: If you need to make any updates or changes, you can access your abstract to make edits until the submission deadline of August 1, 2024.



  • If you have questions regarding the content, deadlines, or other program-related issues, please reach out to the AAFS Abstracts team at [email protected].

  • If you have technical problems related to the abstract submission system, you can contact Cadmium technical support by clicking the “Technical Support” link at the top right of the screen. Here you can submit a support request or contact support directly.

Notice something?

We have worked hard to ensure the abstract system is ready for your abstract and easy for you to navigate and use. However, should you notice something that seems off, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Helpful links/documents:

Call for Proposals Information & Guidelines
Our complete guide to submitting your proposal for the 2025 conference.

Abstract Submission FAQs
Answers to some of the common questions asked regarding abstract submission.

Presentation Type Descriptions
A helpful list of the various types of presentation submissions you are able to propose.

American Academy of Forensic Sciences

410 N 21st St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904

(719) 636-1100

©2023 American Academy of Forensic Sciences